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College Corps Program Division of Student Affairs

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Sacramento State College Corps

Fellow Interest Form

The Fellow application for Cohort 3 is now closed. Applications for the 2025-26 academic year will open in Feb 2025. To be notified, please complete the cohort 4 interest form.

Fellow Interest Form

photo of a group of students posing to the camera with CA Governor Gavin Newson

About Sac State College Corps (SSCC)

The Sacramento State College Corps program is where college students help community efforts, learn new skills, network, and find out what working in their future career fields might feel like. This program is part of a bigger effort by California Volunteers to encourage students to:

  • Help with important projects in education, food distribution, health, community and environmental partnerships.
  • Succeed in school and prepare for their future careers.
  • Work with local agencies and non-profits to alleviate local issues.

Fellows will do different kinds of service:

  • K-12 Education: Work with school-aged children to help them with various topics.
  • Food Insecurity: Help distribute food to members of the community.
  • Climate Action: Take part in projects that help with local eco-system conservation.
  • Civic Engagement/Health & Wellness: Help with community projects and health education.

Fellows must volunteer 450 hours over the academic year, about 12-15 hours each week.

Wendi’s Impactful Experience as a College Corps Fellow - YouTube

For Students

Who Can Join?

Students selected should meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Students who need some financial help for college. Must be Pell Grant/Dream Act/Middle Class Scholarship/Cal Grant B eligible.
  • Undergraduate students who are full-time at Sacramento State. (12 units)
  • Students committed to finishing all 450 hours during the academic year.

Financial Benefits

  • Living Allowance
    • $7,000
    • Distributed by partner campus to students evenly over the course of the service term
  • Education Award
    • $3,000
    • Distributed to the student after 450 hours, to be used for educational expenses
  • Dream Act Service Incentive Grant (DSIG)
    • Program offered by the CA Student Aid Commission for AB 540 eligeble Dreamers who are Cal Grant B recipients

Fellow Application

Applications Will open for the 2025-26 academic year will open in Feb 2025.

FAFSA Application

CA Dream Act Application

For Community Partner Organizations

A key element of the Sacramento State College Corps program is YOU: local community-based organizations and government agencies who are interested in hosting members throughout the academic year.

Funded by California Volunteers, Office of the Governor, the California College Corps initiative has three goals:

  • engage college students in meaningful service to build leadership and civic responsibility;
  • promote academic success and economic well-being with students from diverse backgrounds; and
  • to support the work of community-based organizations in three priorities: K-12 education, climate action, and food insecurity.

Eligibility and Criteria

Eligible community partners for the Sac State College Corps program must be a nonprofit organization or government agency able to:

  • Supervise two or more fellows providing 12-15 hours of service each week in at least one of the priority areas (K-12 education, food security, and climate action).
  • Participate in required training. Each training will be approximately five hours and Will be scheduled in August 2024. All supervisors are required to attend.
  • Provide data regarding community outputs and outcomes. (Required by California Volunteers)
  • Comply with AmeriCorps grant requirements.

College Corps Fellows are required to complete a total of 450 hours of service during the 10-month program. Because fellows are enrolled in a course (considered indirect or training hours), we estimate that fellows will need to complete 360 hours with their community partner. This translates to 12-15 hours per week with your organization. Service with your organization can be a mix of direct and indirect service and should be predominately direct service.

Direct service refers to activities that directly benefit individuals, groups, or communities and can include tutoring, mentoring, outreach, training, food service, gardening, river or trail restoration, and more. At least 80% of the Fellows’ time must be spent on direct service. Indirect service hours, which account for 60 hours, can be utilized for education, training, research, or other activities that support the organization’s focus area.

CHP Interest Form

Information Sessions

Our information sessions are for organizations interested in applying to be a community partner for the Sac State College Corps. Our live information sessions were held via Zoom.

View a Host Site Information Session Now

Application and Acceptance Process

  1. To apply, you need to provide information on what the Fellows will gain from their experience and describe both direct and indirect activities they will undertake.
  2. The applications will be reviewed by a committee, and provisional acceptance letters will be sent out three weeks after the application deadline.
  3. Upon provisional acceptance, you will be asked to provide the following:
    • Position descriptions
    • Additional requirements required by your organization (e.g., background checks, testing requirements, etc.)
    • Signed MOU
    • Site locations and supervisors
  4. Once you have submitted all the necessary items, your final acceptance will be confirmed.

Community host partner applications will open in March 2025. Agencies/non-profit organizations that complete the interest form will be notified via email.

For Faculty and Staff

Hornet faculty, staff, and campus centers can participate in the SSCC in many ways, including:

  • Promoting the program to students
  • Referring to prospective community host sites
  • Applying to make your campus center a host site (a limited number of Fellow positions are available)
  • Partnering to deliver College Corps training, curricula, and/or service-day events


For all inquiries about SSCC at Sacramento State, please email

For inquiries about the #CaliforniansForAll College Corps Program visit: